Monday, November 28, 2011

Random Comments About Grouponing

Was there a worse idea than me signing up for gro.upons? What was I thinking? Well first off, I love a good deal. Second, I get new offers everyday to look at. Whaaaa? Third, whoever is in charge of writing the descriptions is obviously a kindred spirit of mine.

If horses didn’t regularly pack the earth down with their hooves, it would continue to gradually rise skyward on a collision course with the moon.

Couldn't agree more. Thank God for horses. Basically it is just a good time all around.

And I have obviously partaken in some seriously awesome deals: "3 - 1 hour horse-riding lessons" was obviously put together with just me in mind. $10 for $20 worth of Indian food, um yes please. Although maybe that one wasn't the best investment. Their naan was crap and if there is one thing that will make me never return to your Indian restaurant it is crappy naan. What the fuck was that? It tasted more like a sopa pilla. Who do you have working in your kitchen anyway? Oh and their chai sucked too? Um if they can't even do the basics, what are we talking about?

But sometimes there is some super random shit that comes through and it has me thinking, do people actually take part in those grou.pons?
  • 55% off nonsurgical facelifts? What the fuck would that involve?
  • Glass-Figure-Design thrilling!
  • it isn't sperm related as I originally assumed...sure wish I hadn't spit my drink out in surprise when I read it.
Basically it is a shit show of crazy and obviously meant for me.


  1. I love it too! Although I also have this crazy thing like, "Invasline for $50? What are my teeth going to look like afterwords?"

  2. Girl I hear ya!! I got $75 of wine for $25!! And our trip to Napa (and one coming up to San Fran)? All Groupon! Or was it Living Social? Whatevs...they're the same thing!

  3. I guess looking at the random crap is worth it when you score an awesome deal the next minute. :) just bought a ziplining day out for one of drakes Christmas gifts.

  4. haha, you and my dad can be groupon pals. every week he's like "Oak, let's go to Random Restaurant XYZ, I have $50 free dollars!" Um, dad? you paid $25 for those $50, not free.

  5. Haha. I like Oak's comment.

    I used to be a Groupon addit too, but have been trying to avoid reading them lately because it was a little out of control.

  6. I want the non-surgical face lift! Do you think they could focus mostly on my ass?? I need an ass lift.

  7. I bought a groupon once but it was to my own restaurant, so yeah...

  8. Donors Choose is an awesome organization! And I definitely buy groupons ALL THE TIME. Like way too often. Today there's one in Dallas where you submit a photo and they make a bobble head out of you. I seriously considered this... except it still cost like a hundred bucks with the groupon, so I didn't think that was such a great deal for bobble headed me.
    Tomorrow we're going to the Arboretum on a groupon and afterwards we're getting the oil changed in both of our cars on groupons. And then tomorrow night I am going to the local book store to buy $30 worth of books for $15 on my latest groupon. And I bought my brother a groupon for the Hot Sauce of the Month club for Christmas... don't tell him. And we're going to a hockey game on a groupon.... we might have a groupon problem....

  9. I have to keep away from groupon or I end up buying stuff I never have time to do! I currently have a voucher for a 2 hour that I NEED to make time for!
