Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Nursery is Finished!....mostly.

Minus a couple of things, like a rug and maybe a lamp and hanging the rest of the art, the nursery is basically done. If you want to see the first transition in paint and fabric, here is that post.

Obviously I love design, but I am also a cheap-ass frugal, so I found lots of ways to cut costs and still get what I wanted. The dressers were hand-me-downs from Andy's parents. We've had them for years and you can see in the first post what they originally looked like. I loved the idea of having a black, white and red baby room, but then I thought if it was a boy, it would be kick-ass to do lime green (aka chartreuse if you're nerdy like me). I wasn't really in love with the drawer pulls on the dresser, they were originally gold, but I saw some potential in them if we could paint them. Andy was on board with all my painting tasks, until he realized how much there was to do. Then he started losing interest pretty quickly. He is kind of a perfectionist when it comes to spray painting, so even though I was cool with him just laying down two coats, he kept going over everything again and again. Therefore it truly isn't my fault that he turned into a bigger job, it was self-inflicted. So despite the fact that I had to pester him a wee bit to finish everything up (he kept saying 'what's the big deal, the kid is still a couple months away and he won't even be sleeping in his crib for a while.....more proof that men do not fully understand us), I couldn't be happier with how it all turned out. He did an amazing job.

I still need to hang that Big Butter painting, but it needs a frame, and we have one more that will go by the crib.

The crib in pieces....oh and that is my birth kit pile on the left (the blue box is the pool, Holla!) with a box of baby clothes behind it.

After I finished re-covering the glider. That green is seriously bright. Almost electric. I thought about having Andy paint the glider too, but I figured it can be the one peice of furniture that isn't black in the room and the wood was in really good condition.

And the crib is together. One of my favorite features is the drawer at the bottom. It's perfect for all the crib sheets.  

After setting up the bedding. Okay technically I will have to take it off when I get the mattress pad, but I was too excited not to see what it all looked ke together.

A closer look. I will probably take some more overall photos so you can see stuff together, but I am super happy with how everything turned out.

Okay for those interested in what we spent here's a nerdy breakdown:

  • dressers - free
  • crib- craigslist $160 (score!)
  • changing pad - free
  • changing pad cover - homemade with left over fuzzy fabric from SSIL's baby gift.
  • spray paint - $40
  • fabric and sewing supplies - $150
  • wall paint, chair rail, misc. supplies - $120
  • shelf - target $18 because it was scuffed (normall $25 score!...yes I get excited about $7 that is like two chocolate malts)
  • black and white tins - $15 for all four
  • curtain rods- $40 target
  • glider and ottoman (forgot to get the ottoman in the picture) - craigslist $40
  • new foam and misc stuff for glider - free (yay for christmas giftcards to the fabric store)
  • Art- christmas and birthday presents from Big Butter that just happen to be the perfect colors to go into the room.
  • Man hours- a shit ton
  • Total = $583.. that is still a lot of money! It is because I bought stuff a little at a time that it didn't seem like that much. I guess in reality, if I had bought a new glider and a new crib, that alone would have cost the same as this entire project. So I am still going to look at my $600 room as a pretty awesome deal.


  1. It looks great!

    Can't wait to see the overall pic.

  2. It looks awesome! I am loving the recovered glider chair. That fabric is adorable!

  3. I love the color scheme! And the fabric you chose for the glider. We had hand me down dressers as well that we're using in the nursery, I won the crib and our friend is letting us have her glider so total spent on furniture = 0. LOVE it!

    DH kept telling me the same thing, that we had time before the baby plus s/he wouldn't be sleeping in the room for a while. Um, so? I want it DONE so it's not hanging over our heads!

  4. Love it, looks awesome. I am needing to get going on the nursery pretty soon myself. 3 weeks from full term but apparently I'm still procrastinating!

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