Friday, December 17, 2010

Sneak Peek- Nursery Edition

I wanted to make one big post out of the nursery developments so you could see it from the beginning to the end, but I am impatient. So here we go.

Before Picture of the room with one of the dressers

The part of this that takes forever is the prep work. Moving furniture, measuring, taping off, laying out the cover to keep the floor clean, etc. Exhausting. Painting is a breeze compared to all that.

The white goes on

Then the gray wainscot

I got a little anxious so I pinned up the curtain fabric to take a peek at how it would look together.

Painting the chair rail pieces.

After hanging the chair rail

Andy playing with the curtain rod.

Wearing a mask while sanding. Mostly just to be a dork.

Daddy job, painting the dressers

Meanwhile mom sews the curtains, hangs the rods and hold-backs and puts them up.

Now to turn this into bedding. Ready...set...go!

First up, crib sheets. This was prior to the elastic installation, but they look the same so you get the idea. Two of this pattern.

 And Two of this one. And then I start to realize I might have plenty of sheets. Considering I bought two on clearance at Target several months ago, and I have one that we got with the crib.

Then the bed skirt...hard to tell, but I will take better pictures after it is on the bed.

And the bumper. Again, you'll have a better idea of all the bedding after it is set up.
Andy has been busy finishing the furniture. As soon as we figure out someone to take the guest bed, we'll be putting it all together. Things left to do/make: a blanket, buy and recover a glider, hang some shelves. It'll get there though.


  1. Oh how I hate painting!! It's looking good though friend!!

  2. Our nursery revamp has been a long time coming as well. DH started working on it in October and we're hoping to have it done by the end of this month!

    You did an AMAZING job making all that stuff - so jealous of your talent! I can't wait to see it all put together, I love the fabric you choose!

  3. You're so damn crafty. Not me, not me. I'll take hand-me-downs though!
