I wish I could think of a catchy Mc-name for my first Meet and Greet appointment, but sadly Dr. McAwesome is the best I can do. Now that Andy is back in school and no longer has Friday's off, that leaves me to my own devices when it comes to my midwife appointments and crazy nesting checklist items. Last Friday was obviously, "Find a Nugget Doctor" Day. Thank goodness my midwife had a few recommendations, both of which were on my insurance, but only one who was accepting new patients. I need to re-pow-wow with her at our appointment this week, because from everything I have read, you should interview at least two doctors, but what happens if you love the first one?
I went into Dr. McAwesome's office with a feeling like I was interviewing for a job....and I would have to perform some intricate song and dance. I have no idea why I was nervous. Luckily I am OCD and had written down a series of 7 questions to ask him. I don't know what I would have done if I had walked in there with no direction. Unfortunately, Dr. McAwesome and I work the same hours, so I took off work early to be his last appointment before the weekend. That meant I sat alone in an exam room for a while. Sadly the only reading options I had to choose from were Diabetes something-or-other and some local women's resource pamphlet. I chose the women's pamphlet and have to say that it wasn't a total waste of time. I left the office with the contact information for a 24 hour emergency vet. Morbid I know, but when I read the ad I realized that the likelihood of Lincoln needing to be put down afterhours and in an emergency state does kind of exist. And I am nothing if not someone who likes to be prepared for all scenarios.
After I made it through the two two-page articles in the women's pamphlet, I stared into space and listened to the nurses outside the exam room door discuss how one of them would be taking her son to meet some of the Rockies players the next day. As the "mom" nurse talked about details and did some baseball name dropping, I thought: Crap I am going to have to take an interest in sports and shit! Unless, as previously predicted, Nugget decides to go the ballerino route.
Finally Dr. McAwesome arrived. He strolled in wearing a pair of jeans and a Columbia collared shirt. His salt and pepper hair said 'experience' and his outfit added that 'rugged outdoorsman'. He sat down and I nervously went through my seven questions. They might have taken more time if I wasn't a big dork. But my big ticket items were the circumcision question and to get an idea of how things worked after hours and when I would start bringing Nugget in. Could we delay some vaccinations? That sort of hippie shit. As you might recall I wrote a post several months ago about my struggle with the circumcision issue. As I mentioned in the post, my original plan was to leave that up to Andy and in the end, I returned to that manner of thinking. Although I did tell him that if Nugget ever asks I will blame him entirely for the decision.
Funny enough on Thursday night, the day before Dr. McAwesome's visit, we went to see Am.y Sch.umer at Com.edy W.orks. In one of her jokes she starts out talking about how she went home with a French guy and was surprised to find that he was uncircumcised. Then she joked about how it was not okay to not warn a girl about that. That if the roles were reversed she would warn him about a giant hood over her lady parts. Andy turned to me and said 'decision made'. Knowing full well that he was talking about sticking with his decision to get Nugget chopped, I knew that we were back to figuring out how to make that happen.
I read a few articles and since most circumcisions happen in the hospital, unless you're Jewish, for us to get Nugget altered we'd have to investigate how to do that. I started out obviously telling him that we were planning a homebirth with a midwife and he said his wife had both their kids at home. He is a big supporter of homebirth patients because he finds us to be 'informed consumers'. We tend to do a lot of research and have lots of suggestions to bring to the table. I think the circ question was the second thing I asked about and he calmly responded 'I can do that here in the office'. Is it weird that I was super relieved to hear this? Again, from what I had read, it sounded like if you didn't birth in a hospital, getting a circumcision is sometimes considered an unneccessary "surgical" procedure, thus being something you pay for out of pocket. I have no idea how much something like that costs? But if it is hospital related, there is no telling. Anyway, after 30 minutes with Dr. McAwesome, I knew he was the Dr. for Nugget. I feel like my baby team is almost complete.
He does sound awesome. Is it wrong that I'm picturing him as sort of a cowboy? :)
ReplyDeleteWe only interviewed our one doctor too. He came so highly recommended I told The Boy, we'll meet him and then if we feel the need we can meet more. We walked out of his clinic and said "That's our guy". Young, casual, funny, smart, laid back and dedicated to his patience - he has a facebook page for his most high maintenance parents. :)
ReplyDeleteNice!!! Your checklist must be getting shorter and shorter!