Thursday, January 20, 2011

Belly Update

So sorry for my slacking. I was looking back trying to find my last belly pictures and I was shocked at the fact that here I am at 33 weeks and the last one I posted was at 27 weeks (here) Terrible! I am also going to take a few minutes and go link back to the other ones so as you travel back in time through my blog to get to my first pictures (maybe you should get yourself a labcoat and you can pretend you're Doc Brown from Back to the Future). Anyway without further ado, here is a gang of belly pictures to catch up to last week at least.

28 Weeks

29 Weeks. This was right before my Date Night with Andy. Thus the one time I am wearing make-up. We went to see Josh Blue at Comedy Works. It was so awesome. And turns out we were sitting right behind Josh's parents who were holding his little baby girl. She was super cute and a Daddy magnet so we spent a good deal of time with Josh Blue right in front of us cooing and holding his baby.  

30 Weeks

31 Weeks. Note to self, stop wearing all dark colors you can't tell what is going on.

32 Weeks. I look ridiculously tired because I took this one early the morning I left for a work trip. And yes, technically I am not fully caught up. I have to get this week's photo off the camera, so I suspect that will happen next week. Whatever, you'll get the idea. Basically belly is growing.


  1. you are adorable, and you're almost there! WOOO HOOOOO!

  2. Love the top in the 32 week photo. I was just thinking I've been slacking on the belly shot front too. Thanks for the reminder, over-achiever.

  3. You're in the homestretch! Great pics. :)

  4. YAY!! Thanks for the udpate. Lookin good lady!
