Friday, July 1, 2011

Hair and my adorable kid

So I wasn't planning on bringing Jack to work with me today. It is a 3 day weekend and he's still having some trouble with the bottle feeding thing, so I thought it would be better to keep him at home to give him another day to hopefully improve, but this morning when he was all snuggled next to me nursing I just couldn't resist the idea of spending the day with him. What a push over. Alright without further ado, here's the new hair and some pictures of Jack (because that is what you really want to see anyway).

I'm a drool monster!

'What's up ladies? Perhaps we can go yachting later? Play a round of tennis at the club? What do you say?'

Sometimes there are pictures of us together, weird I know.

'It's man time mom'

Probably my favorite picture of him thus far.

Snuggling with his puppy. His new favorite thing is to give open mouthed kisses to the dogs, which of course I think is horrifically gross. But I'll look away for a second and their "kissing" each other. Eeeewww. But sweet at the same time.


  1. LOVE your hair! And he is getting cuter day by day!

  2. He already looks so much older! Crazy! Love the hair...have a great weekend!

  3. LOL, Jack is too cute, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE your new hairdo!!

  4. LOVE YOUR HAIR!!!!!!!!!!! SO fresh! Jack is the cutest... love your favorite picture. :)

  5. Yeah, your hair is awesome and your baby is freaking adorable. One question - can we please get him outside in to the natural light for some photos. I feel like he's always inside on the couch, we need some bright light airy photos. Please and thank you. :) yes, I'm bossy but thats because I'm hot and sweaty. Over and out.

  6. Ok this post was so cute until you got to the part about kissing the dog. Do you know where that mouth has been?! Ewww!

  7. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the hair!! You look so happy! And it seems easier to manage as well, which is key.

    And Jack...just adorable. Seems like he has so much personality already :)
