Look how ridiculously gigantic my head is next to hers. This was right at Owen Beach in Point Defiance Park. We were just about to climb a gigantic hill up to the trail so I wanted to get a picture before.
The Sound
Corned Beef Sliders, yum!
Of course I had to have a picture of this handsome guy.
On Sunday we set off for Seattle. It was Gay Pride weekend in Seattle, so we made our way to the parade route to watch. It was a ton of fun and there were so many people there it was insane. After watching for about an hour we walked up to Seattle's Best to grab a hot chocolate. It wasn't cold that day, but it was overcast and just perfect for wearing a t-shirt and drinking a hot chocolate. As we were making our way up the parade route to find a way to cross, we found a Qdoba truck that was giving away a free street taco and a coupon for a free street taco meal. Awesome. So we had a little snack, found our way across the street and walked down to Pike's Place Market. After walking around the market we decided to take our chances at finding a Qdoba. Might as well get free lunch. Sure enough we stumbled upon it. Awesome! After our yummy free meal we walked up to the Seattle library which was designed by Rem Koolhaas. I remember when it was first built and featured in Architecture magazine. I really wanted to see it in person back then and it definitely didn't disappoint. Of course, I have heard it is not at all functional as a library, things are hard to find, etc. But it is a very interesting building.It just so happened that my cousin from Spokane was in Seattle that weekend visiting a friend of hers, so I got a hold of her and we decided to walk over to meet her for a little while. Turns out her friend's apartment was about two miles away, but whatever we were feeling good. We rested in their living room for a couple of hours and chatted with my cousin, and a big group o' gays. They were hilarious. Since I had to be at the airport really early the next morning, we decided to head out. The walk back to the car seemed to breeze by, but it was wonderful seeing so much of Seattle. I think between Saturday and Sunday we walked at least 10 miles if not more.
"The Gay Team" hahaha.
Pike Place Market
Seattle Library
By far the best part of the trip was determining how freaked out Bret is by the idea of the placenta. Apparently a friend of hers just posted pictures from a water birth and her husband was sitting behind her in the pool. Bret kept going on about how all she could think about was the placenta getting entangled in his chest hair. At first I was like, 'what are you talking about?'. When I explained what the placenta was and that she was thinking of the fluids inside the sack, we started coming up with all these hilarious sayings. If you're telling a story about a bad situation you could say '....i mean it was bad, not as bad as placenta stuck in your chest hair, but pretty bad'. I would shout 'Placenta Water' at her. She would say 'placenta tea'. When we got home, she had to check in with work, so I decided to google placenta. I always imagined it to look like a giant kidney for some reason. Luckily she was in the other room and I told her 'wait until you're ready before you google it'. Well I got a post on my FB yesterday that said 'I thought I was ready, so I googled it.....I wasn't ready' or something to that effect. It made me roll over laughing.

Experience Music Project: By Frank Gehry
That's hysterical! Glad you had a great time!