Have you seen the commercial for 3-D Tvs that plays "Hey Soul Sister"? It doesn't really matter if you have or not. The point is, I love this song! Last night the commercial came on and I started singing it. Andy kind of laughed at me. But then the commercial was not enough. So I pulled out the iPod and plugged it into our stereo. Then I started dancing around and singing like a silly white chick. And the greatest thing in the world happened! Andy danced with me. Luckily he had been enjoying a couple beers, otherwise this phenomenon would never have occurred. He hates to dance....mostly because he doesn't know how. But I don't care if he is good or not. I just love it when he does. It makes me all giddy and happy like a 8 year old.
When Andy and I were first dating I had the balls to ask his mother what happened between her and his father. What a noisy girl I was? But I really wanted to know. I want to learn from everyone around me, which is why I am so inquisitive.
She was very nice and open about it all. She obviously didn't go into specifics and was very respectful of my FIL, but eventually the conversation transitioned into her life after the divorce. She told me she made herself a list. A list of qualities she wanted in a partner. She wasn't looking for someone who had all those qualities, but just someone who had many of them. Of course, noisy Natalie, asks what was on the list. One of the things was "someone who is willing to dance". She was pretty specific that it didn't matter if they were good at dancing and it didn't matter if they never specifically wanted to go out dancing or whatever, just that they would be willing to dance should the occasion arise. After that conversation I decided that was on my list too. Don't get me wrong, it would be my dream if Andy would take salsa lessons or ballroom lessons with me, or both! But I am pretty sure that isn't going to happen, no matter how heavily I try to bribe him. But when he lets me wrap my arms around him in the comfort of our home and dances around with me, I feel like the happiest, luckiest, most loved girl in the entire world!
What a fun post - I was smiling the whole way through it. :) I LOVE when Charlie dances with me as well - and it is quite rare. I was LUCKY to get a first dance at our wedding!! Sounds like you got a good one in Andy. :)