Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Seriously peeps! I am so sorry. I am still alive and I decided I better fire up this ancient machine that may not make it through the post, to let you all know I am still alive and well. I have like a gagillion ideas for new posts: traveling with an infant, trying to get out of the house with an infant in a timely manner, first bottlefeeding, remembering to put food in your mouth, gearing up to go back to work, etc. The ideas are endless, the problem is lack of computer. Andy is almost done with school, but unfortunately that means I go back to work, boo. But I did want to check in and let you know I am still here. And to keep you semi-satisfied, here are some pictures.

At the airport for our first flight!
 What are you looking at?
"AHHH!" Going for a ride in the MOBY wrap. Hahaha.
And now we're off to our 6-week appointment....which just reminds me what a blogging slacker I have been.


  1. I just love his little face.

    So glad you're still alive and kickin. :) Don't worry, we won't forget about ya...think of you all the time.

    Can't wait to hear an update after your appt.

  2. He's adorable! Can't wait to hear all about your first few weeks as a new mom :)

  3. Glad all is well! Love the pics of the little guy - and you of course. :)

  4. I have my 6 week appt this week too and it blows my mind. I'm glad you're alive and well! :)

  5. Glad to hear things are going well. And isn't the moby wrap awesome! I love going to the grocery store with P all wrapped in there. So convenient!

    I can't wait to hear all about how things are going with you!

  6. Love the update! Little jack is adorable!

  7. Thanks for the update! :) Don't beat yourself up about not posting -you just had a baby! :) Sleepless nights, getting ready to go back to work and other major life changes. It's okay to take a break from the blogging guilt free. :) Your readers will be here when you return. :)
