It's official, there is a seamonster in my uterus. See it there just clinging on like we wouldn't notice it? But who cares because nugget has a heartbeat! a crazy fast yet adorable heartbeat! As awkward as it was to be stuffed into a postage stamp sized room with my mother-in-law 8 inches away from my hoo-haa and knowing she saw the wand the doctor was holding and knowing she knew where it was going, in the end it mattered so little. Because there it was the little nugget I was imagining. Well luckily I couldn't see all the features perfectly because I was imagining a tail and crazy looking wrinkly head. And I don't know what I was thinking the heartbeat would look like on screen. I think I was imagining to see a giant zoomed in picture of the heart, but all we saw was a little alien bean and in the middle a little flicker of light. Then doctor-talks-too-fast-to-have-any-time-to-respond turned on the doppler and loud and clear, nugget's heartbeat was there in the room with us. The doc said 'it sounds really fast because it is about twice as fast as yours' then Andy chimes in 'it is probably scared shitless of that giant stick you are poking it with'. hahaha. I love that guy. It felt like there was no time. No time to spend looking at nugget and really letting it sink in that all was well. Before I knew it, he/she was off the screen. Never thought I would have wanted to have some stranger keep a foreign object in my v-jay-jay, but I found myself wishing it had been just a few minutes longer.
Okay here's a rundown of funny things that were said:
When Andy and MIL got in the room, Andy saw the "probe" and asked : does that go inside you?
MIL: yep
Andy: How much of it goes in?
MIL: enough
laughter all around.
While the doc was entering my name into the machine Andy looks up at the screen and says: Is that your vagina?
Me: No the wand isn't inside me yet.
Andy: Oh I was going to say it is really dark in there.
more laughter all around.
Oops I almost forget. Nugget measured at 8 weeks and 3 days, which means Fertility Friend was right the first time. This changes all my stats by 3 days (for those TTC it means my home test was really on 11dpo and not 8dpo like I originally thought). Due date is now March 7th. To me this is kind of exciting because that means nugget should arrive right before Andy goes on Spring Break. Not a great time for him since I am sure he'll have a ton of work to do right before, but then he'll have a week home with us. Some family time together. It will be great!
ReplyDelete11dpo... that gives me more inclination to wait a few extra days before testing this cycle. It's just so hard to see BFNs, and I wouldn't want to see one just b/c I had tested too early.
Anywho, congrats on the heartbeat and great pics and loving (funny!) husband. Sounds like things are going your way. :)
YES YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThe Andy quotes are the best, "It's really dark in there" almost made me fall out of my seat.
Another YAY!!!
ReplyDeleteThat is so awesome and such a great moment for you. Glad your hubby could keep the mood light - those comments are too funny.